















Everything You Need To Know About Waylaid Supplies In WoW Season Of Discovery

The Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft Classic introduces various new mechanics, among which the Waylaid Supplies system stands out. These items allow players to unlock rewards with a newly introduced faction, offering coveted Runes tailored for all nine classes.

For those curious about the purpose of Waylaid Supplies, this guide aims to elucidate their use. It covers how to obtain them, fulfill their requirements, and details the rewards obtained by turning in Unfilled or Completed Supplies to the vendors affiliated with the new factions.

Of course, you may encounter many challenges in the process of collecting Waylaid Supplies. But if you have enough SoD Gold, these problems can be easily solved. Because you can use gold to buy some good weapons and armor to equip yourself!

Everything You Need To Know About Waylaid Supplies In WoW Season Of Discovery

Waylaid Supplies Overview

Waylaid Supplies represent unique seasonal items that players can gather and exchange for reputation within a new faction. 

These supplies can be obtained from diverse sources and require players to provide various crafted items. Upon filling a Waylaid Supplies with the required items, the rewards upon turn-in increase. However, players also have the option to turn in these supplies empty.

For Alliance players, reputation is earned with the Azeroth Commerce Authority, while Horde members provide their Waylaid Supplies to Durotar Supply & Logistics. The representatives/vendors for these factions can be found near or in close proximity to the Auction House in each capital city.

Ways To Get Waylaid Supplies

Players can obtain Waylaid Supplies through two primary methods: slaying mobs or opening chests.

Chests appear to be the more efficient way to acquire them, although players may chance upon one or two during dungeon runs or while undertaking world quests involving mobs.

Higher-level Waylaid Supplies are typically found in corresponding higher-level zones. During Phase 1, players should seek chests and engage in mob grinding in max-level areas like Duskwood, Ashenvale, Redridge, Stonetalon, Thousand Needles, and the Wetlands.

WoW SoD Waylaid Supplies

How To Complete Waylaid Supplies?

Each Waylaid Supplies box has distinct requirements. 

Some might demand the collection of 20 Healing Potions, while others might require 6 Copper Shortswords. Some tasks could be as straightforward as gathering 20 Copper Ore or Peacebloom.

Players have the option to turn in an unfilled or partially-filled Waylaid Supplies box for minimum or partial rewards, usually granting around 100 to 200 reputation, a small amount of XP, and some silver. By gathering the necessary materials or items and interacting with the Crate, players can complete it.

Upon completing a Waylaid Supplies box, it transforms into a Supply Shipment. Players can carry multiple Supply Shipments, and upon turn-in, they yield enhanced rewards. 

Notably, a completed Supply Shipment does not count towards the limit of carrying one Waylaid Supplies at a time during the Season of Discovery.

Waylaid Supplies Cap & Farming Methods

During the Season of Discovery, players can generally carry only one Waylaid Supplies at a time, a restriction typically applying to unfilled ones. However, players can possess numerous Supply Shipments, including one completed crate alongside an unfilled one.

Farming Waylaid Supplies primarily involves seeking Treasure Chests near a capital city or flight point. Chests respawn approximately every 10 to 15 minutes in the open world. Given that chests offer the most consistent Waylaid Supplies in WoW SoD and do not require filling for partial rewards, camping a chest spawn location proves to be an effective strategy. Players can continuously travel back and forth between a nearby Capitol City, making round trips to gather these supplies.

For Alliance players, convenient chest locations are found in Westfall and Redridge, near Sentinel Hill and Lakeshire. Horde players can focus on northern Barrens and Stonetalon Mountains, especially in Quillboar camps.

WoW SoD Waylaid Supplies Cap & Farming Methods

Rewards From Waylaid Supplies -  XP, Gold & New Reputation

Turning in both unfilled and completed Waylaid Supplies grants players multiple rewards, primarily reputation with the Azeroth Commerce Authority or Durotar Supply & Logistics

As players progress through reputation ranks with these factions, they unlock new rewards available for purchase from the new Supply vendors situated outside Auction Houses.

At the Friendly rank, players receive 1 Rune for every class (2g), along with a unique 10-slot bag and uncommon Leather Boots, Cloth Gloves, and Mail Belt. 

Upon reaching Honored, they obtain a unique 12-slot bag, additional gear, and Tailoring/Blacksmithing patterns. 

Rewards for Revered and Exalted ranks are yet to be disclosed.

Turning in Waylaid Supplies grants reputation, along with a small amount of silver and XP. The silver and XP rewards are nominal, seldom exceeding 15 silver or 90 XP for an unfilled turn-in. Unfilled Waylaid Supplies usually reward around 100 to 200 reputation with the Azeroth Commerce Authority or Durotar Supply & Logistics.

Completed Supply Shipments do not offer substantially more silver or XP but triple or even quadruple the reputation, providing around 400 to 800 reputation. Filling these Supply Shipments can be costly based on Auction House prices, and players might not always possess the exact materials required upon picking them up. It proves more efficient and cost-effective to turn in unfilled Waylaid Supplies to the vendors and only complete them if the necessary items are readily available or easily crafted with the character's professions.

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