















Strategies To Maximize Damage Output For Ranged Hunters In WoW Season Of Discovery Phase 2

Posted:Mar 08 ,2024

Source: MMOAH

During the Phase 2 of WoW Season of Discovery, we've encountered a significant amount of experimentation in enhancing our damage potential. As fights become increasingly brief, 2 specific builds have surfaced as optimal choices for the Ranged Hunter. 

Despite the ongoing challenge of falling behind other DPS classes, like the Melee Hunter, it's crucial to recognize that competitive damage remains attainable. By utilizing Aspect of the Lion and Trueshot Aura for Marksmanship, hunters ensure their relevance within the group dynamics. 

Consequently, let's delve into methods for maximizing damage output as a Ranged Hunter in SoD Phase 2.

Strategies To Maximize Damage Output For Ranged Hunters In WoW Season Of Discovery Phase 2

Beast Mastery Build 

Let's begin by discussing the prevalent build found at the top of the rankings, which is likely to yield the highest damage output. However, I believe this particular spec may not be the most suitable choice for the majority of raid compositions - the Beast Mastery build

This build invests 41 points into Beast Mastery. For those who may have rushed to comment, claiming that only three out of five Frenzy points are necessary to maintain the buff, it's worth noting that there are no viable alternatives in the Beast Mastery tree for raid scenarios. Therefore, maxing out Frenzy will potentially allow for a quicker acquisition of the buff at the beginning of combat.

On the chest, Heart of the Lion is preferred if you're the sole Hunter in the group. Otherwise, Master Marksman tends to provide higher average damage. 

Chimaera Shot is favored on gloves for its armor-piercing capabilities, facilitating increased crits with ranged attacks and ensuring better uptime on Exposed Weakness. So if you have enough SoD Gold, be sure to buy one!

Sniper Training is selected for legs, while Trap Launcher is chosen for feet. With this setup, your pet is anticipated to contribute around 30% of your total damage. 

In combat, prioritize Chimaera Shot, followed by Multi-Shot, Immolation Trap, and Arcane Shot. Yes, we've returned to incorporating Arcane Shot into the rotation, a decision we'll delve into further in the subsequent sections of this guide.

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Marksmanship Build

The alternative build, which I advocate for most raid groups, is the Deep Marksmanship build

In terms of our runes, we adhere to the same setup as the Beast Mastery build. However, the Master Marksman rune proves more beneficial in this configuration due to the Mortal Shots talent, which grants a 30% bonus to your critical hits. Therefore, it's advisable to switch to this rune if there is a second Hunter in your group utilizing Aspect of the Lion.

Now, why opt for MM if it seemingly yields less damage compared to BM? 

Firstly, MM doesn't inherently deliver inferior damage. The prevalence of BM Hunters at the top of the logs can be attributed to the fact that MM scales more favorably with gear, which many players have yet to acquire. 

Additionally, MM currently dominates several top-ranking positions for Ranged Hunters across various boss encounters. Furthermore, Trueshot Aura significantly enhances raid performance, with 50 attack power translating to an approximate 20 DPS increase for each affected member. Considering the buff extends to four individuals, BM would need to generate an additional 80 DPS to break even. However, upon scrutinizing the logs, the discrepancy between the top-ranked BM and MM isn't significant enough to justify the 80 DPS loss for the raid.

The only plausible exception arises in compositions featuring five melee characters, where your presence in the melee group may not be advantageous. Nonetheless, such scenarios are exceedingly rare during this phase.

How To Enhance DPS Potential For Both Specifications?

To enhance DPS potential for both specifications, there are several strategies we can employ. 

It's essential to equip 2 one-handed weapons, namely Vanquisher's Sword and the Sentinel's Blade, and enchant both with Dismantle. This enchantment procures from ranged attacks, offering significant value. Additionally, wielding 2 weapons allows us to apply 2 Lesser Wizard Oils, granting 32 spell power. Alongside Lesser Wizard Oil, we should utilize Lesser Arcane Elixir for an extra 14 spell power. The cumulative effect of these enhancements, along with world buffs, adds considerable damage to Serpent Sting and boosts the effectiveness of Chimaera Shot and Arcane Shot.

Certain builds in the Season of Discovery utilize full spell power sets, capable of achieving impressive parses in specific fights. While currently less effective than attack power builds, they're intriguing to monitor. It's imperative to maintain an Elixir of Agility consistently, and for most encounters, activating a Sagefish Delight will benefit our DPS.

Regarding rune selection, there's little variation to discuss on a 5x5 basis. An exception arises in the Menagerie encounter, where Explosive Shot excels. Stacking all 3 mobs amplifies damage output and triggers Exposed Weakness with frequent crits. While Serpent Spread is a potential alternative, its utility is limited unless constant movement is required.

WoW SoD Explosive Shot

To optimize performance, access to a Boomkin or Enhanced Shaman, along with someone wielding the Epic Fist weapon, is advantageous. These debuffs enhance our abilities and enable us to utilize a Wind Serpent with Rank 3 Lightning Breath, outperforming other pets on mechanical bosses.

In terms of raid composition, grouping with individuals capable of maximizing damage output is paramount. Shorter kill times correlate with higher DPS. Additionally, it's beneficial to have a Priest for Homunculi, a Druid for Mark of the Wild, and a Paladin for Blessing of Wisdom and Blessing of Might. Meeting these criteria, success hinges on skill refinement and gear acquisition.

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