















Why It's Not Wise To Exclusively Farm Heart Of Fire In Season Of Discovery Phase 2?

The Heart of Fire commands a substantial price on the Auction House in SoD Phase 2, typically ranging from 15 to 25 Gear Score at present, and sometimes even higher. It's possible to acquire Heart of Fires through farming, as certain mobs include it in their drop tables.

However, I don't believe it's wise to dedicate yourself exclusively to this endeavor. Allow me to elaborate on my reasoning. My analysis pertains to Phase 2, and I anticipate a significant decrease in price during Phase 3.

Why It's Not Wise To Exclusively Farm Heart Of Fire In Season Of Discovery Phase 2?

What Factors Contribute To The Elevated Price Of The Heart Of Fire?

To begin with, why does the Heart of Fire, categorized as a white common item, command such a high price?

Its significance lies in its necessity, or rather, the requirement for two of them, in tailoring to produce Cindercloth Robes. These robes boast the highest fire spell power for a chest slot, making them optimal gear for Fire Mages, Warlocks focusing on DPS, or even tanks.

Initially, Heart of Fires flooded the Auction House during the early stages of Phase 2, likely due to drops from Fire Elementals in the Alterac Mountains. However, subsequent modifications to their drop tables led to a reduction in availability. Consequently, only a few have been spotted on the Auction House since then.

Strategies For Obtaining Heart Of Fire In SoD Phase 2

How can you obtain one or more of Heart of Fires in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2?

1. Simply By Eliminating Fire Elementals

However, at level 40, there are limited Fire Elementals that you can effectively defeat. Some of the least challenging Fire Elementals are found in Searing Gorge, typically ranging from level 45 to 48.

Personally, I attempted to defeat them, but found it to be quite challenging. I managed to defeat only one, and encountered significant resistance. Perhaps teaming up or utilizing a hunter's skills could make the task more manageable. Nonetheless, this approach didn't seem particularly efficient.

Despite this, Fire Elementals offer a better drop chance, approximately 3% per kill, compared to the alternative method I'm about to suggest.

2. Challenge Ambassador Infernus

I favor Angor Fortress in Badlands, primarily due to the presence of Ambassador Infernus, a level 42 Elite Fire Elemental with 6,000 HP.

Although the drop rate for the Heart of Fire is less than optimal, approximately 1.1% per kill according to Wowhead, Ambassador Infernus stands out as the only named mob in the area. Despite this, his spawn rate for a named quest mob is relatively decent, ranging from 2 to 5 minutes. He can be found deep within Angor Fortress, guarded by three Stone Golems and a group of Shadowforge Dwarves.

When facing Ambassador Infernus, it's important to note a couple of strategies. He has the ability to cast Searing Flames, which imposes a 9-second silence. However, this can be mitigated by utilizing Line of Sight tactics.

Additionally, Shadowforge Chanters have the ability to cast a sleep spell, which may pose a challenge for pet classes or those engaging in group combat. Nevertheless, while solo farming in this area may not be straightforward, it's certainly achievable once you establish a rhythm of eliminating spawning packs and encountering Ambassador Infernus periodically.

WoW SoD Ambassador Infernus

3. More Ways To Maximize Profits In Heart Of Fire Farming

Additionally, there are other quests, Rogue Lockboxes, and individuals farming the Shadowforge Dwarves, which may lead to potential PvP encounters.

However, in my experience, these encounters have generally been manageable. When considering the spawn rate and drop chance, you can expect to achieve approximately 12 to 25 kills per hour, with a drop occurring every 4 to 6 hours. While this may seem relatively low, luck can play a significant role, potentially resulting in obtaining multiple drops within an hour and making the endeavor profitable. Nevertheless, success hinges on chance, and outcomes can vary.

It's worth noting that farming the dwarves and golems in the area is also necessary, as they drop various items, including gray vendor trash and level 40 greens, which can fetch a good price on the auction house.

Additionally, selling raw silver, cloth, and other sellable materials can contribute to earning WoW SoD Gold. Determining a precise gold-per-hour value for this farm is challenging due to its reliance on RNG, resembling the process of farming other mobs but with the added chance of obtaining valuable Heart of Fire drops.

While I can't provide exact figures on the daily sales of Hearts of Fire, it's evident that there's demand for top-tier Spell Power gear, indicating viable markets for these items.

In conclusion, I suggest trying your luck with this farming method in Season of Discovery Phase 2, but it's essential not to invest excessive time as RNG outcomes can be unpredictable.

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