















Unlock The Secrets Of Fire Mage In WOW Season Of Discovery - Consumables, Races & More

I’m going to be doing a thorough analysis Fire Mage guide in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, including consumables, stat priority, rotations, and other little cool tricks to min-max our DPS as much as possible. This guide is for those who want to get a little sweaty with Fire Mage.

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Unlock The Secrets Of Fire Mage In WOW Season Of Discovery - Consumables, Races & More


Before we get into the guide, let’s start off with consumables. The main consumable we want to have on us at all times is the Blackfathom Mana Oil. This will be key for us to hit our hit cap, which is 5%, by using this and the BFD World Buff.

Next up, we definitely want to grab plenty of Elixir of Firepower to increase our Fire spell damage by 10 for 30 minutes. This one’s pretty obvious, but we’re going to want to bring along Mana Potions as well to help keep our DPS uptime as high as possible.

Now, these next few are pretty sweaty, but if you’re all about it, then you can go ahead and grab some of these SRS. Keep in mind that, in order to get these, you will have to farm these white scrolls to get a chance to snag any of these. You can either farm them out.

Stat Priority

Let’s quickly talk about our stat priority. It’s very obvious, but our main focus is to get Spell hit cap as fast as possible, which is 5%. After that, it goes Intellect, Spell Power, Crit, Spirit, and then Stamina.


Best Races For Horde: Let’s talk about the best race to play as Horde. The absolute best race to play as a Mage for Horde. For PVE, will forever be Trolled because of their insane racial, Berserking. If you’re wanting to do PVP on the Horde side, I would suggest going undead for the racial, Will of the Forsaken.

Best Races For Alliance: Now let’s talk about Alliance races for Mage. The best PVE race for Mage on the Alliance side is 100% Gnome, due to the racial pass of more intellect. Escape Artist is pretty good too. For PVP, you could honestly go Gnome or Human. Both are pretty fine.


On to the juicy part, which is our rotation. I guess you can't wait to find out. Let’s break it down.

Living Bomb: Only Living Bomb a target if it’s going to stay alive longer than 12 seconds. It’s always nice to spam Living Bombs on everything around you to crank up the meters, but just keep in mind if they don’t stay alive longer than 12 seconds, do not Living Bomb them.

Living Flame: For living flame, basically just use it on cooldown as much as you can.

Scorch: For Scorch, we want to apply 5 stacks of Scorch to get that extra juicy fire damage buff from our Improved Scorch talent. Keep in mind, some kill times may be super fast, to where it’s only worth getting 1 or 2 stacks on the boss. Baron and Lady Sarevess are prime examples.

WOW Classic Season Of Discovery Fire Mage

Single Target Rotation: Your single-target rotation will be to pre-cast Power Blast with 6 and 1/2 seconds left on the pull timer, followed up immediately by a Living Bomb. Toss out your Living Flame, spam Scorch till 5 stacks (unless it’s a super quick fight, then just go for 1 or 2 stacks), then spam Fireball.

One thing I will mention, since we only get 1 point into Improved Scorch, I suggest trying to reapply your Scorch when there’s only about 10 seconds left, because you may not be able to reapply it in time with all the miss procs.

AOE Rotation: As for your AOE rotation, Living Bomb everything and use Living Flame on the nearest target with the most health. Use Arcane Explosion as a filler if you need to move around as well. Enjoy being number 1 on the meters for AOE during your rotation.


Don’t forget to fill in some Mana Pots if needed to keep your DPS uptime as high as possible. We have to be pretty cautious with our evocation due to its 8-minute cooldown, and a lot of these bosses being extremely close together.

This concludes my little Fire Mage deep dive guide. I hope this helps you understand how Fire Mage works in Phase 1 of Season of Discovery.

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