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ESO: How To Get Great Gear At Low Levels?

ESO: How To Get Great Gear At Low Levels?

In Elder Scrolls Online, armor and weapons play an important role. Even for new players, good gear is still necessary, so MMOAH will introduce some ways to get good armor and weapons without setting foot in high-level dungeons.

Light Armor set: Spinner’s Garments

It is perfect for early-game mage builds, and you can find the set at various locations in Malabal Tor. By completing delves and public dungeons, you will have the greatest chance to find part of the set.

Although, chests and random enemies have a chance to drop the item. When using Spinner’s Garments set, casters will notice a huge improvement. When the full set, you will get 2000 Mahika, 129 spell damage, and 3450 spell penetration.

Medium Armor set: Shadow of the Red Mountain

For stamina-based builds, the Shadow of the Red Mountain set is amazing. This will increase the damage, 1000 stamina, and critical chance to any build. The whole set of weapons also has a chance to trigger a flame attack, causing 8400 damage.

Heavy Armor Set: Akaviri Dragonguard

Tanks will want to choose this armor set in Eastmarch. Now this area is battle-leveled, anyone can explore it. Delve bosses and Overlord bosses have a high chance of dropping a piece in the armor set. Even some major quests will reward you with an Akaviri set piece. It increases Magika's recovery, healing received, and maximum health.


In ESO, you can craft weapons, so you can get top weapons by forging at lower levels at the beginning of the game. However, upgrading the crafting takes some time and can be tedious. So it would be a better choice to find these items when exploring various maps.

Quests and side quests usually provide weapons and rewards. It is always possible to kill enemies randomly, but the drop rate of effective weapons is very low. Since the original maps are battle-leveled, basically all activities of dropped weapons can be used by players with basic items.

If you are a new ESO player, you won't want to miss this article. This will allow you to gain some advantages faster than other new players. For more ESO guides, you can subscribe to MMOAH then check them out.

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