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Wrath of the Lich King Classic: Spec Picking Guides on Hunter

Wrath of the Lich King Classic: Spec Picking Guides on Hunter

Hi folks, today I would like to general discuss about the Hunter in Wrath of the Lich King, hunters absolute unit and god tier in TBC as we all know, especially in the last phase with the armor penetration of items given to them. However, I'll slap you with the harsh truth, nerf hammers have landed upon thee. Many of the abilities and talents have gotten reworked, and even pets now have their own talent tree, Kill Command for example now can be activated whenever off of one minute cooldown, and increases damage done by pet by sixty percent on next three special hits, and after every hit the effect is reduced by twenty percent, pretty lame. Also the Beast Within only increases damage done by you by 10 but it does reduce mana cost of your abilities by 50 percent and so on. Surely base damage is higher, but Beast Mastery Hunter is still limping behind many other classes and spec in Wrath of the Lich King.

Hunter now has all three specs viable to play in PVE, however the dominant one in majority of expansion is Marksmanship Hunter, followed by Survival in first half of expansion, while Beast Mastery hunter is keeping up from the beginning of expansion, only to fall off far behind towards the second half.

Leveling in Northrend is best done as Beast Mastery spec, which this time around has the majority of talents boosting damage done by your pet, while Marksmanship Hunter can do good since pet can't hold aggro against you. Survival, on the other hand, can be interesting with a trap weaving and kiting, but i would recommend it to someone who is not experienced with hunter in the first place, and if you choose to level through dungeons, Survival and Beast Mastery might also on par.

Am I able to see a lot of players playing this class in WOTLK? I think the answer is yes, but not as much as in TBC in the case of nerfs. A lot of people will continue to play it as their true mains, but about the fresh, just not really no, there will be a similar number of them. General feeling of playing a hunter includes the pet and mana management, since Aspect of Viper is quite punishing and Dragonhawk is quite rewarding. Along with restocking your ammo still, but keep in mind that quivers and ammo pouches don't increase haste anymore, and ammo can be stacked up to a thousand. As a hunter you won't be doing sick damage and especially won't be doing so through one button macro, but rather you will have some utility, and fun time being average dps.

Generally speaking, you can check more inform about WOTLK updates on and find more details and guides here, we also provide you cheap WOTLK Gold and more update news.

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