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Wrath of the Lich King Classic: General Guides on Mage Specs

Wrath of the Lich King Classic: General Guides on Mage Specs

The pre patch of Wrath of the Lich King Classic has been released for a while, I believe that most of you guys have already experienced your favourite classes. Today I would like to give you some suggestions on Mage for the beginners or the people who never tried before.

When we talk about the Mage in WOTLK Classic, now I think it's time to sing the song of Fire and Ice, or Fire and Arcane to be precise. Why I missed the Frost Mage? Actually, I highly do not recommend you to put too many energies on it because of its limited dps in pve.

Even Frost Mage is by far the worst dps out of 3 mage specs though, it is still regarded as a really strong pvp spec, of course it can do some damage and has interesting rotation on pve. However, Arcane Mage in the early game, especially Fire Mage in the end game will have the most outstanding dps capable by far. So my preference of warmth over coldness in comparison with other classes and specs.

Anyway, mages in WOTLK are still hanging there near the top of the damage meters just like in TBC. Meanwhile, raid ability has also been increased, like the Dalaran Brilliance and Focus Magic, which are symbiote buff mage can cast on other raid or party members, actively increasing their spell crit by three percent, and achieving same buff every time, buffed players will score a critical hit.

Leveling a mage is best to be done in Frostback Mountain, due to destroy ability and pet usage. Do I see a lot of players playing a mage in WOTLK? Actually more or less those who always play the mage will continue to play it, all the buffs and additions to mage are different from a lot of other casters, especially in play style, also with the fact that mage is a pure dps, everyone loves dps no matter what patch released.

Personally, I believe that Arcane is a good spec for the beginner since Arcane will scale better in early game, but once you reach the high enough crit chance rating, Fireball plus Pyroblast and Hot Streak will burn your name on top of the damage meters. With high mobility and excellent damage, I promise you Mage will be enjoyable in WOTLK, as it always was in TBC.

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