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How About The New Addition In The Upcoming Gold Road Chapter Of Elder Scrolls Online?

How About The New Addition In The Upcoming Gold Road Chapter Of Elder Scrolls Online?

There is the update of Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road through the new additions - from the beautiful new areas of Valenwood, the Colovian Highlands and Gold Road itself to the intricate Scribing system that lets you craft your own spells, there are a lot of things that will surprise you. Let's take a closer look!

How About The New Addition In The Upcoming Gold Road Chapter Of Elder Scrolls Online?

The Gold Road Chapter

The new chapter for Elder Scrolls Online is Gold Road - an eternally autumnal stretch of West Weald, a picturesque zone nestled in the southeast corner of Cyrodiil that reminds me of the Rift in Skyrim. A rolling sweep of orange and crimson and occasional trolls that need setting on fire. Most excitingly, you get to explore the city of Skingrad, a place that Oblivion fans will fondly remember.

As well as Gold Road, you've also got Dawnwood, a tangle of enticing jungle from nearby Valenwood, home to the Wood Elves - Mecca for stealthy archers - and the Striking Colovian Highlands, a mountainous region littered with mysterious Ayleid Ruins. We've been promised 30 hours of content in this new chapter, and it's easy to see how.

I am sure you may happily spend all that time rambling about, accompanied by the classic ambient bloom of background music which, much like in Oblivion and Skyrim, does a brilliant job of soaking your senses in that intangible sense of adventure.

Only in Elder Scrolls Online, it feels more expansive and lived-in. Get ready for some ESO Gold and immerse yourself in the adventure!

Scribing System

Perhaps the biggest new addition gameplay-wise is Scribing, which essentially lets you craft and customize your own spells. After an initial quest that involves being sucked inside a mysterious portal (classic Elder Scrolls), you eventually meet a talking crow who takes you through the basics.

Elder Scrolls Online Scribing System

You can choose the nature of the fire spell damage, for example, then how the spell works, so that could be an immediate blast of damage or a stream of pain over a number of seconds. And finally, you can add a visual flourish, making everything purple, for instance.

In Elder Scrolls Online, the Scribing is explained as imbuing an element of artistry into your spells, and it does feel satisfying concocting something, slotting it into your skill line, and then unleashing it in battle. It reminds me of a bit of enchanting weapons in Skyrim - you're provided with all the base elements, but it's up to you how you assemble them.

Chapter For Returning Players

For returning players, there's the promise of a fresh story, with Gold Road picking up after the events of the previous chapter, Necrom. There's a new Daedric Prince on the loose in the Scions of Ithelia, a character never before seen in the Elder Scrolls Online, and it's your job to investigate, track down, and then ultimately stick a sword in.

Besides, there's a new 12-player trial called Lucent Citadel, set in a long-lost Ayleid Vault. That's where the MMO meat is - teaming up with friends and taking on the kind of sprawling challenge that simply wouldn't be possible in a single-player Elder Scrolls game. But as a new player, you may be pleasantly surprised by the welcoming familiarity of much of this world.

Final Thought

There's plenty to do on your own, and I don't think it's a disservice to say that for long stretches, the Elder Scrolls Online feels a lot like Oblivion and the Skyrim. You can solo quest away to your heart's content. It's just even more enormous, and you occasionally get the thrill of bumping into other players off on their adventure.

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