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Was ist Skull and Bones?

Skull and Bones wurde von Ubisoft Singapore entwickelt und ist ein Action-Adventure-Spiel, das 2024 von Ubisoft veröffentlicht wurde. Das Spiel spielt im späten 17. Jahrhundert in Ostafrika und Südostasien, bietet eine fantastische Kulisse und konzentriert sich auf Piratenaktivitäten und Seekriege. Diese Periode stellt den Höhepunkt des historischen Goldenen Zeitalters der Piraterie dar. Trotz zahlreicher Rückschläge und Herausforderungen während der Entwicklung feierte das Spiel schließlich am 16. Februar 2024 sein Debüt und bot Spielern die Möglichkeit, es auf PlayStation 5, Windows und Xbox Series X/S zu erleben.

Was ist Skull and Bones Silber?

Skull and Bones Silver dient als Hauptwährung im Spiel und ermöglicht zahlreiche Transaktionen. Spieler können Skull and Bones Silver verwenden, um Blaupausen, Waffen und verschiedene Verbrauchsmaterialien für ihre Charaktere zu erwerben. Diese Währung ist für Spieler unerlässlich, die ihre Stärke stärken und im Spiel effektiv vorankommen möchten.

Wie bekomme ich Skull & Bones-Silber?

Es gibt mehrere Methoden, um Skull and Bones-Silber zu erwerben:

  • In Skull and Bones besteht eine effiziente Möglichkeit, Silber anzuhäufen, darin, Rohstoffe mit Händlern zu handeln. Für den größtmöglichen Gewinn ist es wichtig, Anbieter an Standorten anzusprechen, an denen eine hohe Nachfrage nach den Materialien besteht, über die Sie verfügen.
  • Die Teilnahme an Seekämpfen und das Versenken von Schiffen ist eine Hauptaktivität in Skull and Bones. Jede erfolgreiche Versenkung bringt Skull & Bones-Silber zusammen mit wertvollen Ressourcen. Einige dieser Ressourcen dienen keinem anderen Zweck als dem Verkauf, weshalb es vorteilhaft ist, nach Anbietern zu suchen, die bereit sind, sie gegen Silber einzutauschen.
  • Verschiedene Aktivitäten in Skull and Bones, wie das Abschließen von Verträgen, das Überfallen von Siedlungen und das Zerstören feindlicher Schiffe, bieten Möglichkeiten, Silber zu verdienen. Es ist jedoch besonders vorteilhaft, nach lukrativen Handelsrouten Ausschau zu halten und Schiffe entlang dieser Routen zu eliminieren, da sie erhebliche Belohnungen sowohl in Form von Silber als auch von Ressourcen bieten.

Warum ist MMOAH Ihre erste Wahl für den Kauf von Skull and Bones Silver?

Die Gründe, Skull and Bones Silver bei MMOAH zu kaufen, sind:

  1. Günstig: Unser attraktivstes Verkaufsmerkmal ist der niedrige Preis unseres Skull and Bones Silbers im Vergleich zu anderen Produkten. Wir vergleichen regelmäßig die Silberpreise unserer Mitbewerber und passen unsere Preise zeitnah an, um sicherzustellen, dass die von uns angebotenen Preise die günstigsten sind. Darüber hinaus können Sie als unser VIP-Mitglied bestimmte Rabatte von bis zu 5% genießen! 
  2. Schnell: Nach Bestätigung Ihrer Bestellinformationen veranlassen wir die Lieferung so schnell wie möglich. Unsere Versandabteilung besteht aus erfahrenen Profis, die eine schnelle und effiziente Lieferung gewährleisten. Sollten während des Liefervorgangs Probleme auftreten, können Sie sicher sein, dass unser 24-Stunden-Online-Kundendienst Ihnen die kompetentesten und professionellsten Lösungen bietet, um diese umgehend zu beheben. Ihre Zufriedenheit steht bei uns an erster Stelle.

Alles in allem ist der Kauf von Skull and Bones Silver bei Ihre beste Wahl! Zögern Sie nicht! Skull and Bones Silver steht jetzt auf unserer Website zum Verkauf. Kommen Sie und genießen Sie das perfekte Einkaufserlebnis.


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An In-Depth Explanation Of Obtaining And Storing Ammo In Skull And Bones
An In-Depth Explanation Of Obtaining And Storing Ammo In Skull And Bones

In Skull and Bones, there are many players seeking to trade for ammo, suggesting a widespread shortage likely because of extensive ship building activities. So in this guide, I'll share some tips to help you acquire ammo more effectively. Without wasting time, let's dive in!

An In-Depth Explanation Of Obtaining And Storing Ammo In Skull And Bones

The variety of ship builds, ranging from support to offense, all contribute to the increasing demand for ammo, which requires a considerable investment of silver. Hence, silver plays a crucial role in acquiring ammo. To conserve silver, it’s advisable to accumulate a substantial amount of Pieces of Eight.

Farm Silver For The Supply Network

When it comes to acquiring ammo, it's essential to develop a habit of farming silver for the Supply Network, as it incurs silver costs that can accumulate over time. Once you've amassed a sufficient amount of silver, make it a routine to purchase ammo whenever you dock at a port.

Whether you're in Lenitra, Africa, or any other location, visit the local merchant or Rogue and buy all available ammo crates. Even if you don't currently use certain types of ammo like Torpedoes, it's wise to stock up on them as future updates may introduce new and powerful variations.

Obtain Ammo Crates & Repair Kits

There are typically around 5 types of ammo crates available at each port, covering various ammo types. Consider acquiring enhanced reinforcement and Repair Kits along with your ammo purchases. Focus on obtaining intense Repair Kits and Enhanced Repair Kits, as the latter can be used to craft the former at no additional cost. Prioritize purchasing all available ammo and Repair Kits each time you dock, maximizing your resources.

Skull And Bones Repair Kits

Take advantage of its hourly restocks to make deals with the hawker. Ensure to purchase all available items, regardless of immediate need, as future updates may introduce powerful weapons or equipment. By consistently restocking on ammo and essential supplies during each docking, you'll effectively maintain a well-stocked inventory and stay prepared for any encounters or challenges that lie ahead.

Trade With The Blacksmith

We need to head over to the Blacksmith. If we look at craft new items and we go all the way to the end, we have ammo kit and ammo crate short of. They may have some blueprints such as Cannonball Crate. Then we're going to keep track of the blueprints and pick them all up, no matter where they are. The Blacksmith has some available. Specifically, they offer the Ballista Bolt Crate, which might be the only option available.

Plunder Shipwrecks

However, another Blacksmith may also have some in stock. This highlights the importance of plundering shipwrecks to acquire additional resources. Shipwrecks are abundant and can be found virtually anywhere. Zooming in on the map, you'll see a distinct symbol representing shipwrecks.

Skull And Bones Shipwrecks

Shipwrecks are abundant, scattered across the seas, so whenever you stumble upon one during your voyages, seize the opportunity to explore its treasures. Once you've gathered items from the shipwreck, make your way to the Blacksmith. Utilize the salvaged materials to craft essential items such as ammo, maximizing the utility of every discovery.

Final Thought

Ensure that you explore shipwrecks regularly, as many people wrongly believe that the loot obtained from them is useless. This is untrue. Upon gathering items from shipwrecks, visit the Blacksmith and utilize the acquired materials to craft your own ammo. You don't need to rely on trading with others to replenish your ammo.

Remember to dock at ports and purchase all available ammo crates from the local merchant. Incorporate shipwreck exploration into your sailing routine, alongside other activities such as collecting Pieces of Eight. Shipwrecks are incredibly beneficial and will help you maintain a well-stocked supply of ammo.

Ways To Speed ​​Up Ships Leveling In Skull And Bones - Take Rammer As An Example
Ways To Speed ​​Up Ships Leveling In Skull And Bones - Take Rammer As An Example

If you're seeking to quickly level up in Skull and Bones, look no further than this guide. This guide provides an in-depth look at your ships and provides a detailed step by step guide on how to increase your ship ranks. Hopefully these ship rank Skull and Bones tips help you out with understanding how to increase the power of your ship.

Ways To Speed ​​Up Ships Leveling In Skull And Bones - Take Rammer As An Example

Skull and Bones ship rank is important because it's a sign of the strength of your ship and it will determine which enemies and settlements you can take on. Skull and Bones ship level is made up from a few different things, not just the base ship level Skull and Bones but almost everything you can customise on your ship.

Base Rank Of Ships

The first thing is the base rank of the ship that you are sailing in Skull and Bones. For example, the Bombardier and the Pyromanic are going to be rank 1 base. The Sentinel is rank 2. Then when you make it far enough and you start getting the medium ships - the Rammer starts at rank 5.

When you are at an outpost, if you hold down B on a Xbox controller, it basically brings up your management so you can set sail, you can fast travel, you can manage your ship and your cargo, and things like that. If you go into the Manage Ship menu, you are going to see different categories. The furniture, the armor and the weapons are all going to increase your ship rank.

Rammer Ship Leveling

If you have a Rammer with Badar class, the rank will start at rank 1. If you have enough weapons and furniture on it to bring it up to rank 4, then just by unlocking and using the Bombardier, that's automatically a higher rank because it starts at rank 5.

Skull and Bones Rammer Ship

To maximize your ship's level, prioritize crafting a vessel with the highest rank achievable. Then concentrate on enhancing your weapons. So finding the blueprints and getting the resources or the materials, then using the Blacksmiths to craft the weapons and equipping them to your ship.

Next, direct your attention to enhance the armor of your ship. Opt for higher rarity armor, as it offers greater strength and significantly boosts your ship's rank. Consider upgrading your furniture. Larger ships provide more slots for both weapons and furniture, allowing for greater customization and enhancement of your vessel's capabilities.

For instance, on the Rammer Bedar, your ship allows for 1 armor slot, 3 weapon slots and 2 furniture slots. However, larger ships may offer 4 weapon slots and 4 to 5 furniture slots. In addition, higher rarity Skull and Bones Items significantly elevate your ship's level in the gameplay.


When you are in the Manage Ship menu, say you click on your weapons and you click on the slot at the very front. If you look at the bottom right of the screen as you are flicking through the different weapons available, you're going to see the benefit to your rank. So it will have like a little bit of red on the bar if you're going to lose a bit of your rank, and then if you're going to increase your rank a little bit, there will be a tiny bit of green on that white bar.

In essence, your ship's level is primarily determined by its base rank, as well as the quality of your weapons, armor, and furniture in Skull and Bones. Therefore, the quickest method to elevate your ship's rank in Skull and Bones is by obtaining blueprints and gathering materials to craft superior weapons and gear.

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